The World Integrity Foundation is a non-profit organization registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882. TWIF has been created to act as a nodal resource organization for organizations and individuals working for social change in Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand records the highest number of NGOs in India. TWIF is founded with a vision to find an effective method for connecting and networking various organizations and individuals working in this region to provide support and strengthen positive agents of social change.
TWIF has adopted a dual approach to developmental work. TWIF runs and operates its own projects as well as supports projects and initiatives led by other organizations and individuals. TWIF specializes in knowledge management, organizing and distribution of resources including material and non-material resources and human resources and profiling and public awareness of urgent social issues of Uttarakhand. TWIF has two main wings: Advocacy and Projects.
We run advocacy and awareness programs on secularism, democracy, non-violent social change, conflict resolution and gender in English, Hindi and Urdu.
Our projects are in education, health and livelihood generation. We have special schemes to support education of youth, girl child and members of minority communities.